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Rumba Phase IV - Part 2

Fig 8  AIDA:

This is a single measure figure in which dancers step through with the free foot, step side turning away from each other, then step back to end in a Back-to-Back “V” position with free feet extended forward and free hands extended up and back to emphasize the “V” shape.  The figure may be done with either foot in the appropriate direction.

Facing position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free, moving towards LOD

Man: Forward RIGHT turning Right-Faced, Side LEFT continuing RF turn, Back RIGHT, -;

Lady:  Forward LEFT turning Left-Faced, Side RIGHT continuing LF turn, Back LEFT, -;


Facing position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free, moving towards RLOD

Man: Forward LEFT turning Left-Faced,  Side RIGHT continuing LF turn, Back RIGHT, -;

Lady:  Forward RIGHT turning Right-Faced, Side LEFT continuing RF turn, Back LEFT, -;


Practice 8.1:     

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Fence Line ;  AIDA ; Rock 3 to Face ;  Cucaracha ;

CROSS BODY ;;   {COH}  Basic ;;

Fence Line ;  AIDA ; Rock 3 to Face ;  Cucaracha ;

CROSS BODY ;;   {Wall}  Basic ;;


Practice 8.2:

Low Butterfly position Man facing the WallLead feet free  

Fence Line x2 ; ;  AIDA ; Rock 3 to Face ; 

Side Walks ;;  CROSS BODY ;;   {COH}

Fence Line x2 ; ;  AIDA ; Rock 3 to Face ; 

Side Walks ;;  CROSS BODY ;;   {Wall}

Fig 8 AIDA
Fig 8.1 Practice
Fig 8.2 Practice

Fig 9  Switch Cross:

This is a single measure figure, commonly used following an AIDA to return dancers to a facing position.  From a Back-to-Back “V” position, the Man will bring the joined hands through between the dancers causing them to swivel to face.  Both dancers step Side checking this motion, Recover, then Cross the free foot in front of the weighted foot.  The next figure will necessarily start with a step to the Side to uncross the feet.  The figure may be done with either foot in the appropriate direction.

Back-to-Back position, Lead feet free

Man: Turning Left-Faced  to face partner Side LEFT bringing joined hands thru, Recover RIGHT, Cross LEFT in front, -;

Lady: Turning Right-Faced to face partner Side RIGHT bringing joined hands thru, Recover LEFT, Cross RIGHT in front, -;


Back-to-Back position, Trail feet free

Man: Turning Right-Faced to face partner Side RIGHT bringing joined hands thru, Recover LEFT, Cross RIGHT in front, -;

Lady: Turning Left-Faced  to face partner Side LEFT bringing joined hands thru, Recover RIGHT, Cross LEFT in front, -;

Practice 9.1:     

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Fence Line ;  AIDA ; SWITCH CROSS ;  Side Walk ;

CROSS BODY ;;   {COH}  Basic ;;

Fence Line ;  AIDA ; SWITCH CROSS ;  Cucaracha ;

CROSS BODY ;;   {Wall}  Basic ;;


Practice 9.2:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free  

Fence Line x2 ; ;  AIDA ; SWITCH CROSS ; 

Side Walks ;;  CROSS BODY ;;   {COH}

Fence Line x2 ; ;  AIDA ; SWITCH CROSS ; 

Side Walks ;;  CROSS BODY ;;   {Wall}

Fig 9 Switch C
Fig 9.1 Practice
Fig 9.2 Practice

Fig 10  Switch Rock:

This is a single measure figure, commonly used instead of SWITCH CROSS following an AIDA, to return dancers to a facing position but with body weight moving in the opposite direction.  From a Back-to-Back “V” position, the Man will bring the joined hands through between the dancers causing them to swivel to face.  Both dancers step Side checking this motion, Recover, then step Side onto the free foot. The body flow suggests the next step will be taken in the same direction, but this should not be exaggerated as SWITCH ROCK may be followed by a more static figure eg Cucaracha. The figure may be done with either foot in the appropriate direction.

Back-to-Back position, Lead feet free

Man: Turning Left-Faced  to face partner Side LEFT bringing joined hands thru, Recover RIGHT, Side LEFT, -;

Lady: Turning Right-Faced to face partner Side RIGHT bringing joined hands thru, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT, -;


Back-to-Back position, Trail feet free

Man: Turning Right-Faced to face partner Side RIGHT bringing joined hands thru, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT, -;

Lady: Turning Left-Faced  to face partner Side LEFT bringing joined hands thru, Recover RIGHT, Side LEFT, -;

Practice 10.1:     

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Fence Line ;  AIDA ; SWITCH ROCK ;  Spot Turn ;

CROSS BODY ;;   {COH}  Basic ;;

Fence Line ;  AIDA ; SWITCH ROCK;  Fence Line ;

CROSS BODY ;;   {Wall}  Basic ;;


Practice 10.2:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Fence Line x2 ; ;  AIDA ; SWITCH ROCK ; 

Fence Line x2 ;;  CROSS BODY ;;   {COH}

Fence Line x2 ; ;  AIDA ; SWITCH ROCK ;  to CP

Basic ;;  CROSS BODY ;;   {Wall}

Fig 10 Switch Rock
Fig 10.1 Practice
Fig 10.2 Practice

Fig 11  Alternative Basic:

This is a single measure figure which begins with the free foot extended to the side.  On the first step dancers will Close the free foot to the weighted foot.  On the second step they will Step in Place, transferring weight without moving the feet.  Finally the third step is taken to the side.  As this is a slow step, the foot is placed then weight transferred.

Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Man:  Close LEFT to Right, Step in Place RIGHT, Side LEFT -;

Lady:  Close RIGHT to LEFT, Step in Place LEFT, Side RIGHT-;


Man facing the Wall,  Trail feet free

Man:  Close RIGHT to LEFT, Step in Place LEFT, Side RIGHT-;

Lady:  Close LEFT to Right, Step in Place RIGHT, Side LEFT -;

Practice 11.1:     

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Alternative Basic  x2 ;; LATIN WHISK ;  Thru’, Face, Close,-;  

Basic ;; LATIN WHISK ;  Thru’, Face, Close,-;  

Side Walk ;  Alternative Basic x3 ;;;

New Yorker x2 ;;  Fence Line x2 ;;

Fig 11 Alt Basic
Fig 11.1 Practice

Fig 12  Trade Places:

This is a single measure figure executed from Handshake position, in which partners change places, turning 180 degrees, passing through a momentary tandem position at the end of step 2 before completing the turn to face at the end of the figure.

Right Handshake position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Man:  Rock apart LEFT, Recover RIGHT turning 1/4 Right-Faced behind Lady releasing joined  hands to momentary Tandem Position (RLOD), turning 1/4 RF to face partner Side &Back LEFT, -;

Lady:  Rock apart RIGHT, Recover LEFT turning 1/4 Left-Faced in front of Man releasing joined hands to momentary Tandem Position (RLOD),, turning 1/4 LF  to face partner Side & Back RIGHT, -;


Left Handshake position Man facing the COH, Trail feet free

Man:  Rock apart RIGHT, Recover LEFT turning 1/4 Left-Faced  behind Lady releasing joined hands to momentary Tandem Position (RLOD), turning 1/4 LF  to face partner Side & Back RIGHT, -;

Lady:  Rock apart LEFT, Recover RIGHT turning 1/4 Right-Faced in front of Man, releasing joined  hands to momentary Tandem Position (RLOD),  turning 1/4 RF to face partner Side &Back LEFT, -;

Practice 12.1:     

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic  to RH Shk ;;  TRADE PLACES x2  ;;  join Lead hands

ALEMANA ;;  Lariat ;;


Practice 12.2:

Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Cross Body  to RH Shk ;;  TRADE PLACES x2  ;;  join Lead hands

ALEMANA ;;  Lariat ;;

½ Basic ;  Whip  to RH Shk ; TRADE PLACES x3  ;; ;   (Stay in R Handshake)

Underarm Turn to Butterfly ; Shoulder to Shoulder x2 to CP ;;

Fig 12 Trade Places
Fig 12.1 Practice
Fig 12.2 Practice

Fig 13a  Flirt:

This is a two measure figure in which the Man executes a Basic whilst leading the Lady to turn to Varsouvienne position at the end of the first measure.  In the second measure, both dancers execute a Back Basic facing the same direction so the final Side step moves the Lady to Left Varsouvienne position.   If the figure begins in Right Handshake position the Lady automatically turns to the Man’s Right side but the figure may start in any facing position.

Right Handshake position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Man:  Forward LEFT, Recover RIGHT, Side LEFT, -;

Back RIGHT, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT, -;

Lady: Back RIGHT, Forward LEFT, Forward RIGHT turning Left-Faced to Varsouvienne Position, -;

Back LEFT, Recover RIGHT, Side LEFT in front of the man to end in Left  Varsouvienne Position, -; 

Practice 13.1:     

Right Handshake position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
FLIRT ;;  release hands Solo Fence Line x2 ;;
Opposite Spot Turn ; Cucaracha to B’fly ;  Shoulder to Shoulder x2 ;;
Basic ;;  to RH Shk       TRADE PLACES x2 ;;

Fig 13a Flirt
Fig 13.1 Practice

Fig 13b  Modified Flirt to Fan:

This is a variation on the basic figure in which the Man leads the Lady to turn ¼ Right-Faced to Fan position after the final step instead of Left Varsouvienne position.   The Man may take a slightly larger final Side step to emphasize the Fan position.

Right Handshake position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Man:  Forward LEFT, Recover RIGHT, Side LEFT, -;

Back RIGHT, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT, -;

Lady: Back RIGHT, Forward LEFT, Forward RIGHT turning Left-Faced to Varsouvienne Position, -;

Back LEFT, Recover RIGHT, Side LEFT in front of the man turning ¼ LF to Fan position, -; 


Practice 13b.1:     

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ;;  to RH Shk       modified FLIRT to a Fan ;;

ALEMANA ;;  Shoulder to Shoulder x2 ;;


Practice 13b.2:

Butterfly position Man facing the WallLead feet free  

Basic ;;  modified FLIRT to a Fan ;;

HOCKEY STICK ;;  Shoulder to Shoulder x2 ;;

Fig 13b Mod Flirt to a Fan
Fig 13b.1 Practice

Fig 14  Develope:

This figure is usually performed by the Lady with the Man in a leading/supporting role, but may be performed by either or both dancers and may begin with either foot free.  The body alignment may be Sidecar or Banjo.

Man:  Forward LEFT outside partner checking, -, -, -;

Lady:  Back RIGHT, -, bring LEFT  foot up to inside of RIGHT knee, extend LEFT foot forward;

Practice 14.1:     

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ;;  Shoulder to Shoulder x2 ;;  Check Fwd to S’Car & Lady DEVELOPE ; 

Man Back to AIDA ;  SWITCH CROSS ;  Cucaracha ;

Basic ;;  Shoulder to Shoulder x2 ;;  Check Fwd to S’Car & Lady DEVELOPE ; 

Back, Side, Fwd to Banjo; Lady Develope ; Man Back to AIDA ;  SWITCH CROSS ; 

Fig 14 Develope
Fig 14.1 Practice

Rumba Phase IV Part 2 Practice:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free and extended


AIDA ;  SWITCH CROSS ;  SIDE WALKS ;;  to Right Handshake

TRADE PLACES X2 ;;  Mod FLIRT to a  FAN ;;



AIDA ;  SWITCH CROSS ;  SIDE WALKS ;;  to Right Handshake

TRADE PLACES X2 ;;  Mod FLIRT to a  FAN ;;



AIDA ;  SWITCH ROCK ;  AIDA and Extend ;

Rumba Phase IV Part 2 Practice
Rumba Phase IV Part 2 Video

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