Rumba Phase IV - Part 1
Fig 1 Ronde Box:
This is a two measure figure, usually starting with lead feet free, in which dancers sweep the Left foot in an arc (RONDE) from behind to cross in front of the Right foot foot, then step side on the Right foot and finally Back on the Left foot. Or when the Right foot is free, it is swept in an arc from front to behind the Left foot, followed by a step to the side on the Left foot and finally a step Forward with the Right foot. It is usually performed in a low Butterfly position, maintaining space between the partners, but may be performed with no hands joined. It is derived from the analogous figure RONDE CHA BOX.
Low Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Ronde clockwise Cross LEFT in front, Side RIGHT, Back LEFT, -;
Ronde clockwise Cross RIGHT in back, Side LEFT, Fwd RIGHT, -;
Lady: Ronde clockwise Cross RIGHT in back, Side LEFT, Fwd RIGHT, -;
Ronde clockwise Cross LEFT in front, Side RIGHT, Back LEFT, -;
Practice 1.1:
Low Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; RONDE BOX ;;
RONDE BOX ;; Cucarachas ;;
Practice 1.2:
Low Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; RONDE BOX ;;
Side Walk ; Crab Walk ; Side Walk ; Spot Turn ;
Fig 2 Latin Whisk:
This is a single measure figure which begins in Closed position with Lead feet free. Both partners swivel slightly away from each other to cross the Lead foot behind, Recover and swivel to face then step side. Often followed by Thru’, Face, Close.
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Cross LEFT behind Right, Recover RIGHT, Side LEFT -;
Lady: Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT-;
Practice 2.1:
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; LATIN WHISK ; Thru’, Face, Close,-;
Basic ;; LATIN WHISK ; Thru’, Face, Close,-;
Practice 2.2:
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; LATIN WHISK ; Thru’, Face, Close,-;
Side Walks ;; Cucarachas ;;
Basic ;; LATIN WHISK ; Thru’, Face, Close,-;
Side Walks ;; Cucarachas ;;
Fig 3 Cross Body:
This is a 2 measure figure in which dancers change facing direction as a couple, turning up to 180 degrees Left-Faced in Closed position, starting with Lead feet tree. The second measure may, rarely, be used alone when Trail feet are free, cued as CROSS BODY ENDING.
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Forward LEFT, Recover RIGHT, Side LEFT turning Left-Faced [foot turned about 1/4 turn but body turned 1/8 turn], -;
Back RIGHT continue Left-Faced turn, small Forward LEFT, Side & Forward RIGHT, -;
Lady: Back RIGHT, Recover LEFT, Forward RIGHT toward man to L-shape, -;
Forward LEFT commence Left-Faced turn , Forward RIGHT turning 1/2 Left-Faced, Side & Back LEFT, -;
Practice 3.1:
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {COH}
Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {Wall}
Practice 3.2:
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Cucarachas ;; Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {COH} Side Walks ;;
Cucarachas ;; Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {Wall} Side Walks ;;
Fig 4 Alemana:
This is a 2 measure figure in which the Man executes a modified Basic whilst leading the Lady to complete a Right-Faced turn during the second measure. It begins in any facing position with Lead feet free. As the Man makes the Closing step at the end of the first measure, he will raise the Lead hands, joined palm-to-palm to indicate a Right-Faced turn for the Lady.
The second measure may, usually in older dances, be used alone when Trail feet are free, cued as ALEMANA TURN.
Facing position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Forward LEFT Recover RIGHT, Close LEFT leading woman to turn Right-Faced -;
Back RIGHT, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT -;
Lady: Back RIGHT, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT commence Right-Faced swivel, -;
continue Right-Faced turn under joined lead hands Forward LEFT, continue Right-Faced turn Forward RIGHT, Side LEFT -;
Practice 4.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; ALEMANA ;;
Fence Line ; Spot Turn ; Cucarachas;;
Practice 4.2:
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
ALEMANA ;; to a Lariat ;; to CP Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {COH} Side Walks ;;
ALEMANA ;; to a Lariat ;; to CP Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {Wall} Side Walks ;;
Fig 5 Fan(from 1/2 basic):
This is a single measure figure which begins with Trail feet free in any facing position. The Man will draw the Lady towards him on step 1 then release her to turn ¼ Left-Faced on step 2 to be at 90 degrees to his facing direction. The Lady will step back on step 3, leaving her Right foot extended – this is characteristic of the Fan position.
Facing position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: Back RIGHT, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT, -;
Lady: Forward LEFT, turning Left-Faced step Side & Back RIGHT making 1/4 turn to L-shape, Back LEFT leaving R extended forward with no weight, -;​
Fig 6 Alemana (from Fan position):
This is a variation in which the Lady starts in Fan position at 90 degrees to the Man. During the first measure he leads her to Close her Lead foot beneath her body then take two forward steps, turning to face the Man on the second. He then leads her to execute an Alemana Turn under the joined Lead hands.
Fan position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Forward LEFT Recover RIGHT, Close LEFT leading woman to turn Right-Faced -;
Back RIGHT, Recover LEFT, Side RIGHT -;
Lady: Close RIGHT, Forward LEFT, Forward RIGHT commence Right-Faced swivel to face partner, -;
continue Right-Faced turn under joined lead hands Forward LEFT, continue Right-Faced turn Forward RIGHT, Side LEFT -;
Practice 6.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; ALEMANA ;;
½ Basic ; FAN ; ALEMANA ;;
Practice 6.2:
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {COH}
½ Basic ; FAN ; ALEMANA ;;
Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {Wall}
½ Basic ; FAN ; ALEMANA ;;
Fig 7 Hockey Stick:
This is a two measure figure which begins in Fan position with lead feet free. During the first measure the Man leads the Lady to Close her Lead foot beneath her body then take two forward steps, maintaining her facing direction. As the Man makes the Closing step at the end of the first measure, he will bring the joined lead hands in front of his forehead to indicate the Lady will turn Laft-Faced. Although palm-to-palm contact is maintained, the Lady will make a 5/8 Left-Faced turn independently, then steps diagonally Side & Back on the last step, with the Man Following her direction to face her with Lead hands joined.
Some older dances will end with the Man facing partner and wall, which requires the Lady to slightly overturn the figure.
Fan position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Forward LEFT, Recover RIGHT, Close LEFT bringing joined lead hands through to lead woman to turn Left-Faced -;
Back RIGHT, Recover LEFT, Forward & Side RIGHT -;
Lady: Close RIGHT, Forward LEFT, Forward RIGHT , -;
Forward LEFT, Forward RIGHT with 5/8 Left-Faced turn , Side & Back LEFT -;
Practice 7.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
½ Basic ; FAN ; HOCKEY STICK ;; {DRW}
ALEMANA ;; to a Lariat ;;
Practice 7.2:
Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; CROSS BODY ;; {COH}
½ Basic ; FAN ; HOCKEY STICK ;; {DLC}
Lariat ;; {Wall} Shoulder to Shoulder X2 ;;
½ Basic ; FAN ; ALEMANA ;;
Rumba Phase IV Part 1 Practice:
Low Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
WAIT ;; RONDE BOX ;; Blend to Butterfly
ALEMANA ;; to a LARIAT ;; Blend to CP
ALEMANA ;; SHOULDER to SHOULDER x2 ;; Blend to Low Butterfly
RONDE BOX x2 ;; ;;
Rumba Phase IV Part 1 Video
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