Rumba - Part 2
Fig 6 Progressive Walk:
This is the first figure which moves the dancers around the room. Dancers will be side by side, facing the same direction, usually LOD or RLOD, with either foot free.
Forward Left, Forward Right, Forward Left;
Forward Right, Forward Left, Forward Right;
Solo Practice 6.1:
Facing LOD with Left feet free Progressive Walks ;; repeat
Practice 6.2:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Progressive Walks ;; repeat
NB: Remember to keep your head up and free arm extended slightly side and forward with palms down. This is a good time to practice mirroring the position of your partner’s free arm.
Fig 7 Circle Away & Together:
This is a 2 measure variation on the Progressive Walks in which dancers turn away from each other and make a circular pattern to finish in a designated position.
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Man: Turning LF Forward Left, Forward Right, Forward Left;
Cont turn LF Forward Right, Forward Left, Forward Right;
Lady: Turning RF Forward Right, Forward Left, Forward Right;
Cont turn RF Forward Left, Forward Right, Forward Left;
Practice 7.1:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Progressive Walks ;; Circle Away & Together to Open position ;; repeat
Practice 7.2:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Progressive Walks ;; Circle Away & Together to Butterfly position ;;
Basic ;; New Yorker and blend to Open position ; Progressive Walk3 ;
Circle Away & Together to Butterfly position ;; Fence Line ; Spot Turn ;
New Yorker twice ;; Fence Line and blend to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3 ;
Fig 8A Forward Basic:
This is a single measure figure which usually starts with the Lead feet. It will normally start in a side by side position (Open or Left Open position), but may in certain circumstances begin in a facing position.
Man: Forward Left, Recover Right, Back Left;
Lady: Forward Right, Recover Left, Back Right;
Fig 8B Back Basic:
This is a single measure figure which usually starts with the Trail feet. It will normally start in a side by side position (Open or Left Open position), but may in certain circumstances begin in a facing position.
Man: Back Right, Recover Left, Forward Right;
Lady: Back Left, Recover Right, Forward Left;
Practice 8.1:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Progressive Walks ;; repeat
Practice 8.2:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Circle Away & together to Butterfly position ;;
Basic ;; New Yorker and blend to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3 ;
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Progressive Walks ;;
Circle Away & Together to Butterfly ;; Fence Line & blend to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3 ;
Fig 9 Cucaracha:
This is a single measure figure which can begin in any position and facing any direction, with either foot free. The initial step to the side takes only partial weight on the inner edge of the foot, rolling across the ball of the foot to initiate the “figure of 8 “ hip action which continues through the recover step. This should not be forced, but should follow naturally from the pressure through the foot.
Press Side, Recover, close;
Practice 9.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; Cucarachas ;; Basic ;; Cucarachas ;;
Practice 9.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Cucarachas ;; Basic ;;
Fence Line ; Crab Walk {LOD}; Cucarachas ;;
Basic ;; New Yorker ; Spot Turn ;
Fence Line twice ;; Crab Walks {RLOD} ;;
Fig 10 Under Arm Turn:
This is a one measure figure which always begins with the Trail feet. The Lady will execute a Spot Turn under the joined lead hands, while the Man does a slightly modified Back Half Basic.
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: (Releasing trail hands & Turning slightly Right-Faced) Back Right raising joined lead hands, Recover Left to face partner, Side Right;
Lady: (Swivel ¼ Right-Faced) Step Through Left {towards LOD} and turn ½ Right-Faced, Forward Right continuing turn to face, Side Left;
Practice 10.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Cucarachas ;; Half Basic ; UnderArm Turn ;
Basic ;; Fence Line ; UnderArm Turn ;
Practice 10.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Half Basic ; UnderArm Turn ; Fence Line twice ;;
New Yorker ; UnderArm Turn ; Crab Walks {RLOD} ;;
New Yorker and blend to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3 ;
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Circle away & Together to Butterfly ;;
Fence Line ; Crab Walks {LOD} ;; Spot Turn ;
Fig 11 Lariat:
This is a two measure figure which always begins with the lead feet. The Lady will circle Right-Faced around the Man with lead hands joined, while the Man either dances Cucarachas or steps in place for two measures.
In Open facing position (Lead hands joined) with the Lady slightly to the right of the Man.
Man: Step in place Left, Right, Left; Step in place Right, Left, Right; [Alternative footwork: CucaraRumba Left and Right ;;]
Lady: (Passing Man’s Right side) Forward Right, Forward Left, Forward Right; Cont turn RF Forward Left, Forward Right, Forward Left;
Note: We choose to use the Cucaracha option for the Man, as this moves his body slightly to the side making it easier for the Lady to pass his right shoulder.
Practice 11.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Cucarachas ;; Lariat to Butterfly position ;;
Fence Line twice ; ; Lariat to Butterfly position ;;
Practice 10.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Half Basic ; UnderArm Turn ; Lariat ;;
New Yorker ; UnderArm Turn ; Crab Walks {RLOD} ;;
New Yorker and blend to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3 ;
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Circle Away & Together ;;
Lariat ;; Cucarachas ;;
Rumba Part 2 Video
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