Rumba - Part 3
Fig 12 Chase:
This is a four measure figure in which dancers take turns to follow each other while facing the same direction. Dancers move independently and make sharp, half turns to change direction at different times, so it is important that they understand their own footwork. Hands are released at the start of the figure, which ends in a designated position.
Man: (1)Forward Left turning sharply ½ Right-Faced to Tandem [man in front],
Recover Forward Right, Forward Left;
(2) Forward R turning sharply ½ Left-Faced to Tandem [Lady in front], Recover Forward Left, Forward Right;
(3) Forward Left, Recover Right, Back Left; [Fwd Basic]
(4) Back Right, Recover Left, Forward Right; [Bk Basic]
Lady: (1) Back Right with no turn, Recover Left, Forward Right;
(2) Forward Left turning sharply ½ Right-Faced to Tandem [Lady in front],
Recover Forward Right, Forward Left ;
(3) Forward Right turning sharply ½ Left-Faced to face partner,
Recover Forward Left, Forward Right;
(4) Forward Left with no turn, Recover Right, Back Left;
Practice 12.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Chase to Butterfly position ;; ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;;
Practice 12.2:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Circle Away & Together ;;
Chase ;; ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3;
Fig 13 Whip:
This is a one measure figure in which Dancers swap positions to face the opposite direction. It begins with the Trail feet.
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: Back Right turning ¼ Left-Faced to face LOD , Recover Left turning ¼ Left-Faced to face COH, Side Right;
Lady: Forward Left, Forward Right turning ½ Left-Faced, Side Left;
Note: The Man can lead the Lady to his left side by bringing the joined Trail hands across his body.
Practice 13.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Fence Line twice ;; Half Basic ; Whip {COH} ;
Fence Line twice ;; Half Basic ; Whip {Wall} ;
Practice 13.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; New Yorker ; Whip {COH} ;
Chase ;; ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line ; Whip {Wall} ;
Half Basic ; UnderArm Turn ; Lariat ;;
Fig 14 Sliding Door:
This is a single measure figure which starts in a side by side position (Open position with Lead feet free or Left Open position with Trail feet free). Dancers Rock Apart and Recover then release hands and change places, with the Lady passing in front of the Man.
Rock Apart, Recover, Cross in front;
Note: “Cross in front/Side, Cross in front” uses the same action as Crab Walk, with the feet on parallel tracks rather than crossing tightly which would block sideways movement.
Practice 14.1:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Sliding Door twice ;;
Progressive Walks ;; Sliding Door twice ;;
Practice 14.2:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Sliding Door {LOP} ; Progressive Walks ; ;
Sliding Door {OP}; Circle Away & together to Butterfly position ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;;
New Yorker and blend to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3 ; Sliding Door twice ;;
Fig 15 Reverse Under Arm Turn:
This is a single measure figure which begins with the Lead feet. The Lady makes a Spot Turn under the joined lead hands while the Man does a modified Half Basic.
Man: (Bringing joined lead hands through to lead the Lady to turn Left-Faced ) Cross Left in front, Recover Right, Side Left;
Woman: (Swivelling 1/4 Left-faced on ball of supporting foot step) Forward Right turning ½ Left-faced, Recover Forward Left turning ¼ Left-faced to face partner; Side Right ;
Practice 15.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; Reverse UnderArm Turn ; Fence Line ;
Basic ;; Reverse UnderArm Turn ; Cucaracha ;
Practice 15.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
New Yorker twice ;;Reverse UnderArm Turn ; UnderArm Turn ;
Fence Line ; Crab Walks {LOD};; Back Half Basic ;
Basic ;; Reverse UnderArm Turn ; Crab Walk {LOD} ;
Cucarachas ;; Basic ;;
Fig 16 Shoulder to Shoulder:
This is a one measure figure which may begin with either foot. However, the Man always crosses in front while the Lady always crosses just behind on the first step.
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Forward Left crossing in front to Butterfly Sidecar, Recover Right to face partner, Side Left;
Lady: Back Right to Butterfly Sidecar, Recover Left to face, Side Right;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: Forward Right crossing in front to Butterfly Banjo, Recover Left to face partner, Side Right;
Lady: Back Left to Butterfly Banjo, Recover Right to face, Side Left;
Note: The crossing step (especially for the Lady) and body rotation to Sidecar or Banjo position should not be exaggerated. The positions are modifications of Butterfly position, with the appropriate hips towards rather than adjacent to partner.
Practice 16.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; Shoulder to Shoulder twice ;;
Half Basic ; UnderArm Turn ; Shoulder to Shoulder twice ;;
Practice 16.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; Shoulder to Shoulder ; UnderArm Turn ;
Crab Walks {RLOD} ;; Fence Line ; Spot Turn ;
Shoulder to Shoulder twice ;; Lariat to Butterfly position ;;
Shoulder to Shoulder 3 times ;;; Back Half Basic ;
Rumba Part 3 Video
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