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Waltz - Part 4

Fig 15a  Waltz to Open:

This 1 measure figure starts in Butterfly position with Lead feet free and finishes in Open position. 


In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Releasing joined Lead hands Side Left towards LOD turning ¼ Left-Faced to Open position, Forward

Right,  Close Left  to Right ;     

Lady:   Releasing joined Lead hands Side Right towards LOD turning ¼ Right-Faced to Open

position, Forward Left,  Close Right to Left ;     



Fig 15b  Waltz Away:

This is a development from the previous figure: it starts in Butterfly position with Lead feet free and finishes in a Back to Back V position.   


In  Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Releasing joined Lead hands Side Left towards LOD turning Left-Faced away from partner to face DLC, Side

& Forward Right,  Close Left  to Right ;     

Lady:   Releasing joined Lead hands Side Right towards LOD turning Right-Faced away from partner to face

DLW,  Side & Forward Left,  Close Right to Left ;     



Fig 15c  Waltz Together:

This 1 measure figure starts in Open position or a Back to Back V position with Trail feet free and finishes in Butterfly position. 


In Open position facing LOD, with Trail feet free. 

Man:    Forward Right towards LOD turning ¼ Right-Faced to Face Partner, Side Left,  Close Right to Left ;     

Lady:   Forward Left towards LOD turning ¼ Left-Faced to Face Partner, Side Right,  Close Left  to Right ;     


In Back to Back V position, with Trail feet free. 

Man:    Side Right towards LOD turning Right-Faced to Face Partner, Side Left,  Close Right to Left ;     

Lady:   Side Left towards LOD turning Left-Faced to Face Partner, Side Right,  Close Left  to Right ;     


In each of these figures you can gently swing the joined Trail hands through between the dancers to impart the correct body turn on the first step. 


Practice 15.1:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Waltz to Open ;  Waltz to Butterfly ; 

Vine 3 ;  Thru’ , Side Close ;   Balance Left & Right ;;   


Practice 15.2:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Waltz Away & Together ;; 

Vine 3 ;  PickUp, Side Close ;   2 Left Turns ;;   

Box (Blend to Butterfly) ;;   Waltz Away & Together ;; 

Vine 3 ;  Manoeuvre, Side, Close ;   2 Right Turns ;;   

Fig 15 - Talk Thru'
Fig 15 - Practice

Fig 16  Canter:

This is a single measure figure which only has two changes of weight on beats 1 and 3 with a Draw on beat 2.   Draw is an ACTION which takes time to move the free foot towards the standing foot, but does not change weight.  The figure may start with either foot free and will move sideways in the direction of the free foot unless a direction eg Forward or Back is specified. 


In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Man:  Side Left, Draw Right to Left, Close Right to Left ; 

Lady:  Side Right, Draw Left to Right, Close Left to Right ; 

Note:  A second Canter will move in the same direction as the first. 


Practice 16.1:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz Away & Together ;;  Canter twice ;; 

Vine 3 ;  PickUp, Side Close ;   2 Left Turns Blend to Butterfly ;;   

Waltz Away & Together ;;  Canter twice ;; 

Vine 3 ;  Manoeuvre, Side, Close ;   2 Right Turns Blend to Butterfly ;;

Fig 16 - Talk Thru'
Fig 16 - Practice

Fig 17  Twinkles :

A family of figures which always change your position relative to your partner and facing direction.  This is a 1 measure figure comprising Cross & Turn, Side completing turn, Close;  The variations are caused by dancers crossing in front or behind.  Twinkles can begin with either foot, in different positions and facing directions. 


Fig 17a  Thru’ Twinkle:

This is the first in the Twinkle family, in which both dancers Cross Through.  


In Open position facing LOD, with Trail feet free 

Man:  Thru’ Right turning ¼ Right-Faced to face partner, Side Left continuing turn, Close Right to Left finishing in a

facing V position looking towards RLOD ; 

Lady:  Thru’ Left turning ¼ Left-Faced to face partner, Side Right continuing turn, Close Left to Right finishing in a

facing V position looking towards RLOD ; 


In Left Open position facing RLOD, with Lead feet free 

Man:  Thru’ Left turning ¼ Left-Faced to face partner, Side Right continuing turn, Close Left to Right finishing in a

facing V position looking towards LOD ; 

Lady:  Thru’ Right turning ¼ Right-Faced to face partner, Side Left continuing turn, Close Right to Left finishing in a

facing V position looking towards LOD ; 


Practice 17.1:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz to Open ;  Thru’ Twinkle twice ;;  Thru’ Face Close (Blend to Closed position); 

Left Turning Box ;; ;; 


Fig 17b  Thru’ Twinkle to the Wall / COH ( aka Out /In):      

We can use the same figure from a different starting position and direction ie Left Open facing position, with Man facing LOD.  This is a position where the dancers are facing, a little distance apart, with Lead hands only joined.  If the Trail hands are extended towards the wall, this will help to remind you of the direction of the first Crossing step.  


A commonly used “set up” figure for this position is “Forward Waltz ; Forward Waltz Drifting Apart ;  “ .  The Drift Apart occurs when the Man makes a small Forward Waltz, while the Lady makes a standard Back Waltz, releasing the Trail hand holds. 


Practice 17.2:

In Closed position with the Man facing LOD, with Lead feet free 

Forward Waltz ;  Forward Waltz & Drift Apart ;   

Thru’ Twinkle to wall ;Thru’ Twinkle to CP;  2 Left Turns to wall ;; 

Vine 3 ;  PickUp, Side Close ; 



Fig 17c  Progressive Twinkle to Sidecar or Banjo:

When the Man makes a crossing step in front but the Lady makes a crossing step behind, the finish position will be either Sidecar or Banjo.  In addition the crossing steps cause us to progress down Line of Dance but our facing directions are now diagonals. 


Progressive Twinkle to Sidecar: Closed or Banjo position Man facing DLCTrail feet free 

Man:  Cross Right in front of Left & Turn ¼ Right-Facedd, Side Left,  Close Right to Left  to Sidecar position facing DLW ;     

Lady:  Cross Left behind Right & Turn ¼ Right-Facedd, Side Right,  Close Left to Right  to Sidecar position ;     


Progressive Twinkle to Banjo: Closed or Sidecar position Man facing DLWLead feet free 

Man:  Cross Left in front of Right & Turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Right,  Close Left to Right  to Banjo position facing DLC ;     

Lady:  Cross Right behind Left & Turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Left,  Close Right to Left  to Banjo position ;        


Frequently the “set up” to a series of Progressive Twinkles would be a “PickUp to Sidecar position”.  Instead of leading the Lady in front of the Man to Closed position with the Man facing LOD, the Man will turn slightly less to face DLW and will lead the Lady slightly to his Left side, with both feet outside his. 


Practice 17.3:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Vine 3 ;  PickUp to Sidecar;  Progressive Twinkle to Banjo ;  Manoeuvre ; 

2 Right Turns to wall ;;  Box and blend to Butterfly ;; 

Vine 3 ;  PickUp to Sidecar;  Progressive Twinkle to Banjo ;   

Progressive Twinkle to Sidecar ;  Progressive Twinkle to Banjo ;   

Manoeuvre ;  2 Right Turns to wall ;;   


An equivalent Back Progressive Twinkle exists, where the Man crosses behind and the Lady crosses in front, but we will not look at it in detail here. 

Fig 17 - Talk Thru'
Fig 17 - Practice

Fig 18a  Twirl Vine:

This is a combination figure in which the Man does a Vine 3 starting with his Left foot, while the Lady executes a full, Right-Faced turn under the joined lead hands.  The Man does a Vine so that his Left shoulder stays forward towards the Lady as he moves along Line of Progression, making it easier to lead her under the joined hands. 


In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Man:  Releasing Trail hands and raising joined Lead hands Side Left, Cross Right behind Left,  Side Left;     

Lady:  Side & Forward Right turning ½ Right-Faced under joined lead hands, Side & Back Left turning ½ Right-Faced to face Man,  Side Right;      


Note:  Each step moves along LOD.  The Lady completes her turn in the first two steps.  Hands are joined palm to palm, not gripped.  The Man leads the Twirl by raising the hands above the Lady’s head and allowing her palm to rotate across his.    


Practice 18.1:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Reverse Box ;; 

Twirl Vine 3 ;  Thru’ Face Close ; Box Blend to Closed position ;; 

Left Turning Box ;; ;; 


NB  Normally when cueing a combination figure, the Man’s figure would be cued first, unless he needs to lead the Lady into her figure as here, hence this is cued Twirl Vine, not Vine Twirl. 



Fig 18b Reverse  Twirl:

In this figure the Lady makes a full Left-Faced turn, starting with her Trail foot, while the Man takes 3 steps towards RLOD.  As the Twirl is again made under Joined Lead hands, the Man leads it by bringing the joined hands through between the dancers before raising them.  Here he does not execute a Vine as it would take his shoulder away from the Lady giving poor body flow. 


In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Trail feet free 

Man:  Releasing Trail hands and bringing joined Lead hands thru’ and raising them Side & Forward Right, Forward left,  Forward Right;     

Lady:  Side & Forward Left turning ½ Left-Faced under joined lead hands, Side & Back Right turning ½ Left-Faced to face Man,  Side Left;      


Note:  Each step moves along RLOD.  The Lady completes her turn in the first two steps.  Hands are joined palm to palm, not gripped.  The figure may end in Left Open position facing RLOD or Butterfly position. 


Practice 18.2:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz Away & Together ;;  Balance Left ;  Reverse Twirl ; 

Thru’ Twinkle ;   Thru’ Face Close to Butterfly ; Canter twice ; ;   


Practice 18.3:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz Away & Together ;;  Balance Left ;  Reverse Twirl ; 

Thru’ Twinkle ;   Manoeuvre, Side, Close ; 2 Right Turns to wall ; ;   

Twirl Vine 3 ;  PickUp, Side, Close ;  2 Left Turns ;; 

Box ;;  Reverse Box blend to Butterfly ;; 

Fig 18 - Talk Thru'
Fig 18 - Practice
Waltz Part 4 Video

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